Modułowa sonda spalin, głębokość zanurzenia 335 mm, z ograni...

Dodaj recenzję:
  • Producent: Testo
  • Dostępność: Jest Jest  (1 szt.)
  • Easy probe shaft replacement via quick-change click system

  • Flue gas path and temperature channel can be connected to the instrument via a bayonet lock

  • Integrated thermocouple probe for temperature measurements up to 500 °C

  • NO2/SO2 special hose (length: 2.2 m)

Modułowa sonda spalin, głębokośc zanurzenia 335 mm, z ogranicznikiem sondy, termopara NiCr-Ni, Tmax=+500°C, wąż 2.2 m

Opis produktu

On the modular flue gas probe with 335 mm long probe shaft, the flue gas path and temperature channel can be conveniently connected to the measuring instrument via a practical bayonet lock. The probe shaft is also easy to replace, thanks to the quick-change click system on the handle. The thermocouple NiCr-Ni, which is integrated in the probe shaft, enables temperature measurement up to 500 °C. The probe is also supplied with a cone for attachment.


Zakres dostawy

Modular flue gas probe 335 mm including cone for attachment, thermocouple NiCr-Ni (TI) Tmax 500 °C and NO2/SO2 special hose 2.2 m.